

Excess water or nutrient solution that drains from the growing medium or containers. Proper management of runoff is essential to prevent water waste and nutrient imbalances.


The process of reproducing plants through various methods, such as seed sowing, stem cuttings, or tissue culture, to create new plants with identical or desired genetic traits.

Pest Management

Strategies and techniques employed to prevent and control pests, such as insects, mites, or diseases, in an indoor farming environment. This can include physical barriers, biological controls, and cultural practices.

Organic Certification

A verification process by which an independent organization confirms that a farm or product meets specific organic standards and regulations. Certified organic products are produced without the use of synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Nutrient Solution

A balanced mixture of essential nutrients dissolved in water, specifically formulated to provide plants with the necessary elements for growth in hydroponic systems.


Young, tender plants are harvested at an early stage of growth, typically when the first true leaves appear. Microgreens are highly nutritious and popular in culinary applications.


Growing two or more compatible plant species in proximity to maximize space utilization and yield.

High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) Lights

A type of high-intensity discharge (HID) lighting commonly used in indoor farming. HPS lights emit a warm, yellow light spectrum that promotes flowering and fruiting in plants.

Hardening Off

The process of gradually acclimating indoor-grown plants to outdoor conditions by exposing them to increasing amounts of sunlight, wind, and temperature variations.

Foliar Feeding

Applying liquid nutrients or fertilizers directly to plant leaves allows for rapid absorption and utilization by the plants.

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