
Ebb and Flow System

A hydroponic system where nutrient-rich water periodically floods and drains a growing tray or container, providing plants with both water and nutrients.

Deep Water Culture (DWC)

A hydroponic system where plant roots are submerged in a nutrient solution, allowing for efficient nutrient uptake and oxygenation.

Companion Planting

The practice of growing different plant species together for mutual benefits, such as pest control, improved pollination, or nutrient sharing.

Closed-Loop System

A self-contained indoor farming system that minimizes external inputs and waste. It often involves recycling and reusing resources like water and nutrients within the system.

Beneficial Insects

Insects that are intentionally introduced into an indoor farming environment to control pests naturally. They prey on or parasitize harmful insects, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.


An integrated system that combines aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (growing plants in water) in a symbiotic relationship. Nutrient-rich water from the fish tank is circulated to nourish the plants, and the plants help filter the water, creating a sustainable and efficient system.


The amount of crop or harvest produced from a given area or number of plants. Yield is a key indicator of productivity in indoor farming.

Watering Schedule

A predetermined plan for watering plants in indoor farming. It considers factors such as plant species, growth stage, environmental conditions, and the water needs of the specific crop.

Vertical Farming

A method of growing plants in vertically stacked layers or towers, often utilizing hydroponic or aeroponic systems, to maximize space efficiency and crop yield.


The process of moving a plant from one container or growing medium to another, allowing it to continue growing without disruption.

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