

The practice of delivering nutrients to plants through the irrigation system, combining water and liquid fertilizers for efficient nutrient uptake.

Dry Farming

A water-saving method in which plants are grown without supplemental irrigation, relying solely on natural precipitation.

Day-neutral Plants

Plant varieties that are not influenced by day length and can flower or produce fruit regardless of the photoperiod.


The upper layer of foliage formed by the leaves and branches of plants in an indoor farming system.


A type of fertilizer derived from living organisms, such as beneficial bacteria or fungi, that improve soil fertility and plant health.


Photosynthetic microorganisms that can be found in water systems used in hydroponics. Algae growth can be controlled to prevent competition with plants for nutrients and light.

Water Hardness

The concentration of minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium, in water. High water hardness can affect nutrient availability and pH stability in hydroponic systems.


Small openings or pores on the surface of plant leaves regulate gas exchange, allowing carbon dioxide uptake and releasing oxygen and water vapour.

Seed Bank

A collection or storage facility for seeds, often used for preservation, genetic conservation, and future use in breeding or plant propagation.


The concentration of salts in the soil or nutrient solution. High salinity levels can negatively impact plant growth and productivity, requiring proper management in indoor farming.

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